Chicken Stir Fry with Habanero Chilli Syrup

Chicken cooked with Gurt Chicken Salt, mixed with onions, peppers, edamame beans and topped with Gurt Habanero Chilli Syrup. A quick 'n' easy meal for you at home!


  • 2 Egg Noodle Nests
  • 2 tbsp Dark Soy Sauce
  • 2 Chicken Breast
  • 1 tbsp Oil
  • Gurt Chicken Salt
  • 1 White Onion (diced)
  • Mixed Peppers (sliced)
  • Edamame Beans
  • Salt & Pepper
  • Gurt Habanero Chilli Syrup


Add the Noodles to a pan of boiling water, with 2 tbsps of Dark Soy Sauce and a pinch of Salt. Cook accordingly.

Chop the Chicken Breasts into small pieces and stir fry in a wok style pan with oil. When the Chicken is less pink, add the diced onion and a few tablespoons of Gurt Chicken Salt. Stir well and ensure the chicken is coated, cook until slightly browned. 

Now add the mixed peppers and edamame beans, and season with salt and pepper. Place on a low heat and simmer with a lid until the chicken is cooked through and juicy.

Remove all the ingredients from heat and drain your noodles. Make sure you leave a small amount of the noodle water so the noodles don't dry out. 

Place your noodles on a plate and add your chicken mix on top, and last but not least, drizzle over the top Gurt Sauces Habanero Chilli Syrup, voila! 

A super quick and easy meal for you at home! Don't forget to take a picture of your meal and tag #gurtwings and #gurtsauces 

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gurt sauces habanero chilli syrup salad
Gurt Buffalo Sausage Pasta

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